The serigraph titled “Peace on Earth” is a poignant composition that juxtaposes powerful symbols to convey a profound message. At the center of the artwork is a skull, a stark reminder of mortality and the grim consequences of conflict. Positioned alongside the skull is the universally recognized symbol of peace, representing the longing for harmony and tranquility amidst chaos.

The composition is further enriched by ornate and grungy lettering that spells out “Peace on Earth,” serving as both a plea and a declaration against the ravages of war. The juxtaposition of elegant decoration with gritty aesthetics underscores the juxtaposition of beauty and brutality inherent in the human experience.

Adding to the urgency of the message is the inclusion of an atomic mushroom cloud, an unmistakable symbol of devastation and the catastrophic consequences of nuclear warfare. Its presence serves as a stark warning against the folly of aggression and the irreversible damage it inflicts upon the planet and its inhabitants.

Through “Peace on Earth,” the artist urges viewers to confront the insanity of war and the profound importance of seeking peaceful resolutions to conflicts. It is a rallying cry for empathy, understanding, and the preservation of our shared humanity in the face of destruction.


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SKU: POE_now Categories: ,


Hand pulled silkscreen print on paper 300 gr.

Paper color: Lemonade.

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